Click on the photo's to see all the blemishes and mistakes up close if you dare!
Viscous Games
wading through the sweet morass of wargaming
Thursday, October 17, 2013
When in Rome: Paint and Decals
Didn't have much time to get much in the way of painting completed but at lest I managed to get some of the Aventine Miniatures into a new coat of paint and test out my skills cutting out the LBMS decals
Click on the photo's to see all the blemishes and mistakes up close if you dare!
Click on the photo's to see all the blemishes and mistakes up close if you dare!
Thursday, October 10, 2013
When In Rome Project: figures have arrived
Well after what seemed like a lifetime my Aventine Miniatures republican Romans have landed at HBV, they were well worth the wait. Scenes of pandemonium as shreds of envelope and wrapping littered the lounge room floor to reveal a couple of packets of velite, triarii, cavalry and officers, more than enough to be getting on with. The officers and cavalry were duly repackaged and posted off to the painter bloke for a proper paint and a pair of velite's and triarii have been undergoing the torture which is my painting. So like a new Poppa I just had to share some photo's.
Some early stage WIP photo's, dodgy camera work but the basics are convincing enough. Click the photo's.
Some early stage WIP photo's, dodgy camera work but the basics are convincing enough. Click the photo's.
Thursday, September 26, 2013
That rabbit's dynamite.
"Well, now, uh, Launcelot, Galahad, and I, wait until nightfall, and then leap out of the rabbit, taking the French by surprise - not only by surprise, but totally unarmed!"
A must have for all those building a Late Roman army.
"Is there someone else up there we can talk to?"
"No, now go away or I shall taunt you a second time."
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
Generosity and More When In Rome
Further to my previous When in Rome post, the decision of figure manufacturer has been made and an order went buzzing it's way through the ether to Aventine Miniatures for some of their sweet little Republican Romans, woo hoo! Now I cant say that these would be a natural choice for me as I usually like thinner classically sculpted figures rather than chunky style but there is something about the sculpts that just seem right for some bruising legionary action, beefy men ready to take the smelly hordes of Gaul, sneaky Carthaginians and the treacherous Greeks.
Clik on the pictures for superior viewing quality. All pictures lifted from the Aventine Miniatures web site, couldn't help it I had to show off. If you like em too then go here
I also mentioned that I will be giving Impetus a whirl for my first fory into the BGP (before gun powder) gaming and this is where the generosity part comes in, the Impetus publishers were closed for the summer hol's and I hadn't got around to ordering the rules and I made mention of this fact. Well knock me over with a Rolf Harris wobble board if a chap didn't offer me his set for the very reasonable price of bugger all (ie gratis), more staggering is when the post arrived it also had four of the supplements included! Not being home at the moment (work away from home) I have yet to clap eyes on this very generous offer, but it does go to show that there are some very decent chaps around and a very heartfelt thank you to Dave for his generosity.
My researches as far as the two Opreys and the WRG book are concerned have paid off and I believe I was able to correctly caption the above photo's without resorting to going back to the Aventine site to check, OK the officers photo was as given but I'm claiming some credit for the other two ;-)
That's it for now as far as the Roman thingy goes, navel gazing as to who or what we are as War Gamers is not far from my thoughts and my philosophical dribblings on the subject have nearly reached full fermentation, another installment to follow shortly.
salut from home base Viscous
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Triarii |
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Principes |
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Mounted Officers, cant wait to see mine painted |
I also mentioned that I will be giving Impetus a whirl for my first fory into the BGP (before gun powder) gaming and this is where the generosity part comes in, the Impetus publishers were closed for the summer hol's and I hadn't got around to ordering the rules and I made mention of this fact. Well knock me over with a Rolf Harris wobble board if a chap didn't offer me his set for the very reasonable price of bugger all (ie gratis), more staggering is when the post arrived it also had four of the supplements included! Not being home at the moment (work away from home) I have yet to clap eyes on this very generous offer, but it does go to show that there are some very decent chaps around and a very heartfelt thank you to Dave for his generosity.
My researches as far as the two Opreys and the WRG book are concerned have paid off and I believe I was able to correctly caption the above photo's without resorting to going back to the Aventine site to check, OK the officers photo was as given but I'm claiming some credit for the other two ;-)
That's it for now as far as the Roman thingy goes, navel gazing as to who or what we are as War Gamers is not far from my thoughts and my philosophical dribblings on the subject have nearly reached full fermentation, another installment to follow shortly.
salut from home base Viscous
Wednesday, August 14, 2013
For the sake of posting & When in Rome Project
No this is not a continuation of my epic "what is war gaming, to be continued" saga, more of an update on the first installment, or more of a notice of an update on the first installment and a confession of sorts.
Simply put I have had the chance to reread my first post and enhance, for good or ill, those thoughts already committed. I should have followed my golden rule from my old school days - write, wait, read, fix up, repeat and then hand to teacher with oncer* attached. There it is the first post has been re-writ and I hope it makes for slightly better reading.
Now while I have your attention I will add that the Republican Roman (see first post, near the bottom) project has been given the green light by the finance officer here at Home Base Viscous. Vendors offerings have been scrutinised as have rules and resources and one or two decisions have been made.
First purchases are in the form of some light history reading, nothing too strenuous but enough to provide some background, I'm a complete novice when it comes to the ancient age, honestly all these sticks, stones and sandals..... I'm rather looking forward to it really
I have managed to source a 2nd hand copy of WRG's Macedonian and Punic Wars and found Osprey publishing's Elite series on Roman Battle Tactics at a very reasonable price. Nothing too strenuous with these offerings and they appear to offer everything I need to get started on the road to conquering Carthage, I now know my maniples from my manicles!
And finally just who is going to provide the Rules of War for this foray into the unknown, well for some time I have been following the Impetus road show. The rules aren't super new and seem to be gathering quite someimpetus momentum from the gaming public. They offer an element basing system favoured by the dbx range of rules allowing for some creativity with units in the guise of little vignettes, the publishers have a free down load of a light version of the rules so the discerning gamer may have a taster of what is on offer before committing the readies, to be applauded. I was quite happy to see that Mr BigRedBat of the bog of the same name is painting a small "Roman Impetus Army" to be featured in WS&S and I will be following both the blog and magazine with interest.
As too the lead, no decision has been made but the field is narrowing. Old Glory are in the frame, on price alone they are hard to beat (particularly if you have an OG army card) and the figures scrub up nicely from what I have seen so far. Aventine Miniatures are a definite goer too, if not for the bulk of the army they will most probably be represented in the form of command and special units, the figures are just too good to ignore. Renegade Miniatures also have a useful collection of figures for the period and are priced right, from my experience they are biggish figures (ww1 are at least) so you are definitely getting your monies worth if you take a skewed view of things.
There are other Vendors of course but these three have certainly caught my attention and each have their pros and cons but there is plenty of time to suss out some more purveyors of white metal before I have to see the exchequer for funding.
*Note: I'm that old that a oncer could have bought a few pints down at the rubber back in my days at poncy!
Simply put I have had the chance to reread my first post and enhance, for good or ill, those thoughts already committed. I should have followed my golden rule from my old school days - write, wait, read, fix up, repeat and then hand to teacher with oncer* attached. There it is the first post has been re-writ and I hope it makes for slightly better reading.

First purchases are in the form of some light history reading, nothing too strenuous but enough to provide some background, I'm a complete novice when it comes to the ancient age, honestly all these sticks, stones and sandals..... I'm rather looking forward to it really
I have managed to source a 2nd hand copy of WRG's Macedonian and Punic Wars and found Osprey publishing's Elite series on Roman Battle Tactics at a very reasonable price. Nothing too strenuous with these offerings and they appear to offer everything I need to get started on the road to conquering Carthage, I now know my maniples from my manicles!
And finally just who is going to provide the Rules of War for this foray into the unknown, well for some time I have been following the Impetus road show. The rules aren't super new and seem to be gathering quite some
As too the lead, no decision has been made but the field is narrowing. Old Glory are in the frame, on price alone they are hard to beat (particularly if you have an OG army card) and the figures scrub up nicely from what I have seen so far. Aventine Miniatures are a definite goer too, if not for the bulk of the army they will most probably be represented in the form of command and special units, the figures are just too good to ignore. Renegade Miniatures also have a useful collection of figures for the period and are priced right, from my experience they are biggish figures (ww1 are at least) so you are definitely getting your monies worth if you take a skewed view of things.
There are other Vendors of course but these three have certainly caught my attention and each have their pros and cons but there is plenty of time to suss out some more purveyors of white metal before I have to see the exchequer for funding.
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Where would we be without Hollywoods invaluable assistance, hmm they look about right? Might not be a Hollywood film |
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Watch out Verenus he's behind you! |
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Everyone's favourite pair of Roman Scallywags |
*Note: I'm that old that a oncer could have bought a few pints down at the rubber back in my days at poncy!
Tuesday, July 30, 2013
Greetings to my viscous friends
Hello followers Tarty, Bluewillow, Lou and Vinnie, thanks for taking the time to visit Home Base Viscous or as we now call it HBV. I hope you dont find my ponderings too self indulgent or worse, too bland.
How often do you get asked by people, "war gaming?" I know I often get faced with that "eh" expression when asked about my interests, hobbies, pastime when I give the reply war gaming. I know that the first thing I need to make clear is that it doesn't involve paintball or laser guns or indeed an Xbox or it's ilk, that's not to say I'm not adverse to the electronic kind, I usually expand with the statement "you know, little soldiers"
Now more often than not the conversation ends there, possibly because the listener believes it might be catching and they're worried one or the other of us may break out in a rash, or I move on to some of my other interests if I want to keep engaged in the conversation; now I must butt in on myself for a second, it has come to my attention after many years that it is usually women who show an interest in knowing more about this war gaming malarkey than men, maybe they are better conversationalist or have a son War Hammering across the living room carpet and are curious to find out if their offspring are going to become social pariahs. I'm not sure why but it is definitely women who dig for more information or at least don't dismiss it outright, I'm going with the mothering instinct myself, what mother wouldn't want to prevent their little fellah from growing into a fat, balding, bespectacled middle age man by the time their twelfth birthday!
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Dakka dakka dakka |
So what is war gaming with miniatures, what is it about, who am I when I say I'm a war gamer, other than fat, balding, bespectacled and middle aged. Well it comes as a surprise to the average Joe that I'm not an altogether war mongery type of person (a common misconception of war gamers), I show a passing interest in militaria of my favourite gaming periods and modern military hardware but a passing interest is about all the enthusiasm I can muster and most of the gamers I know also fit this bill, the odd shako or pith helmet being the exception.
It can be hard to know where to start when describing my hobby and you don't need to reflect too hard on what war gaming is before you quickly come to the realisation that it is a multifaceted hobby and one that can be tricky to describe at the best of times let alone to those who aren't in the know.
The Artist
A great many war gamers spend and love giving their figures their first uniform and a vast many of them are very very good painters indeed, in particular I'm impressed with those that eschew printed flags and paint their own! Of course not all of us are blessed with the outrages abilities of these master brushmen but we enjoy painting our troops with the same enthusiasm. What is more enjoyable than fielding a freshly outfitted unit straight from the painting bench
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There are some great books on the subject of figure painting |
Interestingly the talented figure painter Kevin Dallimore very recently described, in an interview with Miniature Wargames, himself as a graphic artist with the rider miniature figures.For those of us that wish to improve our painting skills (that would be me) or for those just starting out there is plenty of literature both in print, on the interweb and in forums to help get over those painting hurdles. The blog o sphere really does provide ample examples that painting is a major part of most war gamers hobby, that they enjoy the process and are only to keen to answer any questions about their technique and approach is readily evident. I really think that one should take the time to browse through some blogs particularly those of the uber painters, but if your here you are probably aware of that already
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An example of my artistic endeavours, dalliance I had with ww1 |
The Researcher
Taking the above into account a question I often ask and get asked " how do you know 'what colour' and 'where to' splash your paint?"
Research my good man, there is research involved in war gaming, the study of uniforms, a chap or chapette (lady war gamer) only has to look at the dizzying array of uniform literature for periods like the Napoleonic Wars, for instance, to realise that there is a hunger for this information. Uniform literature is all well and good but "what about the actual battles, campaigns how do you know what your doing?" is an oft asked question from the non believers to which I point out the study of history is writ large in the hobby of war gaming, history for historical gamers obviously and codex's and fictional publications for the fantasy/scifi gamer. Being a historical gamer and one that deals with uniformly uniformed armies - mostly - I will stick with what I know (let it be noted that I will be featuring, as an exampler, my first foray into the ancient period in later posts)
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This and it's sister publication are personal favourites, I don't dare to assume it is perfect or indeed the authors opinions are correct and that is what makes researching exciting |
Now any gamer worth his or her salt has at least one or two books, besides the rules, that cover their particular period or periods of gaming interest, indeed the interweb may substitute for a good book for some, not for me however. There is no doubt in my mind (limited as it is) a war gamer is a researcher cum historian, in fact I find this part of the war gaming hobby particularly enjoyable and of particular interest when it comes to eyewitness accounts.
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Another of my standby books, clear where one of my interests lay |
Like any decent historian worth his or her (lady war gamer) salt the war gamer can never be certain of any one source of information and many gamers have extensive libraries (and links) on their favourite subjects to cross reference the subject in hand. Some of these books are written especially for the war gaming market such as the old Knight's Battles for Wargamers series which has been echoed in later years by the outstanding War Gaming in History set of books.
The Author
Closely related to researcher and historian and probably more relevant to fantasy and science fiction war gaming, though not entirely, is the ability to create histories and scenarios. Once again it is out of my field of experience but I can guess that those involved in writing commercial codex's and histories are gamers themselves certainly the gamer creating a back stories for their army must be considered an amateur writer/author and there are a number of very good blogs that reflect this skill.
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Hmm, that sort of explains some things I have been wondering |
I should point out that Imagination gamers and those associated with pulp gaming come up with some highly amusing and well written blogs and back stories of/for their armies and games.
I probably shouldn't forget to add the rule writers (where would we be without him or her), the archetypal researcher, historian and author. I think it would be safe to say that rules writers, either the commercial or the amateur, type are war gamers too, it would be very hard to imagine otherwise wouldn't it?
As with the artistic endeavours it doesn't really matter whether your a Pulitzer Prize quality writer or a complete amateur with the spell check at near melt down, the fact is the writer/author is in a great many of us and long may it
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As long as you get your message across |
So far I have been able to describe myself and my fellow war gamers as part artist, researcher, historian and author and not a figure on the table yet, not really the geeks we're made out to be .......are we?
To be continued and as an example, and motivation, I'm going to document my first foray into a new period ..... Republican Romans. Lets see just what sort of mess I can make of the clearly thought out observances above.
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